Happy WhatsApp Marketing user who is looking at all the analytics they have access to on their phone.
Using Data
Leveraging the power of Whatsapp Business to convert product views into regular Customers.
An individual is shown scanning a QR code using their smartphone camera. The image represents the QR code integration feature, which captures consumer insights for improved conversion rates. With this integration, businesses can use Whatsapp to gather meta and content data from consumers who opt-in to chat with either AI or a live person via the chat feature. The data collected can be analyzed to reveal spending patterns and how consumers interact with the products. This information can be used to improve the conversion rate from shelf-to-basket per product.
QR Code Integration
Capturing Consumer Insights for Improved Conversion Rates

By using our QR code Integration with Whatsapp enables you to capture meta and content data from consumers opting-in to chat with either AI or a Live person via the chat feature. This data can the be analysed further to figure out spending patterns and how consumers interact with your products. And the conversion rate from shelf-to-basket per product.

The image depicts a person looking at an analytics dashboard, which represents the process of utilizing content data to enhance customer engagement and sales opportunities. By analyzing content data, businesses can gain insights into what kind of products consumers are purchasing. This information can be used to create upsell or cross-sell opportunities for complementary products, as well as targeted ad campaigns based on their initial spending patterns. With Whatsapp Business Chat, customers leave a digital footprint each time they interact, providing valuable data to help enhance sales and customer engagement.
Enhancing Sales
Utilizing Content Data to Enhance Customer Engagement and Sales Opportunities

You can also analyse content data to see what sort of products your consumers are purchasing so that further contact can be made at a later stage to upsell or cross sell complimentary products and also generate targeted ad campaigns based on their initial spend patterns.

Customers essentially leave a digital foot print each time they interact with Whatsapp business chat.

The infographic depicts a person doing a marketing pitch, which represents the process of maximizing customer insights to enhance marketing strategies. By using tools like Whawoo, businesses can gain real insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and spending patterns. This valuable content and meta-data can then be leveraged to create effective future marketing campaigns aimed at improving customer retention rates and converting browsing consumers into actual customers. The image represents the importance of utilizing customer insights to create successful marketing strategies.
Marketing Strategies
Maximizing Customer Insights to Enhance Marketing Strategies

You gain real insight into their behaviours as a consumer, their likes and spending patterns. Whawoo helps you leverage all that content and meta data to create effective future marketing campaigns to improve your customer retention rate and convert browsing consumers into actual customers.

How can data analytics benefit your business?
Customer Behaviour Insights
A 360 degree view of customers spending habits, likes, hobbies and behavioural patterns.
Targeted Marketing Campaigns
Create Impactful marketing campaigns to a pre-qualified consumer base which are more likely to engage providing a higher ROI.
Increase Customer Conversion
Increase the probability that consumers make a direct purchase by being in their focus when shopping.
Post Analysis
Post Marketing Campaign Analysis
WhatsApp Marketing can provide a detailed post analysis to show the performance and efficiency of the marketing campaign so you can see:
The ratio of unopened to opened messages
The conversion rate from those opened messages to responded messages
The number of "click-throughs" to your URL destination or checkout purchases
Total number of responses
All of this information is available as raw data or displayed using various charts and graphs and can be sent as a report to your device in PDF format.
Use the largest worldwide messaging service to access new and existing customers and promote your products and services to achieve more sales and faster growth. We can help you create great content and build a strategic marketing campaign to ensure high open rates and maximise responses.
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Infographics By Storyset | Card Background Images By @pch.vector